Sergeant’s Guardian Flea and Tick Dog Shampoo in Clean Cotton, 18 oz
Looking for an effective and affordable way to protect your dogs and puppies from fleas and ticks? Get that protection from Sergeant’s Guardian Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs.
Taste and aroma
Feature Benefits
Sergeant’s Guardian Flea and Tick Shampoo for dogs and puppies has a great clean cotton fragrance. This tried-and-true formula kills fleas and ticks including deer ticks that may carry Lyme disease.
RID YOUR DOG OF FLEAS: Sergeant’s Guardian Flea and Tick Shampoo for dogs and puppies has a great clean cotton fragrance. This tried-and-true formula kills fleas and ticks including deer ticks that may carry Lyme disease.
Looking for an effective and affordable way to protect your dogs and puppies from fleas and ticks? Get that protection from Sergeant’s Guardian Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs.
Guardian 18Oz Clean Cotton Fletick Shampoo