Chilly Dog Barn Yarn Animals Cat Toy
Barn Yarn Animals are Hand-knit Wool Cat Toys filled with Premium Catnip. These are made of 100% wool and are made in the Northern Highlands of South America by descendants of the Inca Indians. The Incas have handed down the craft of knitting through many generations.
Chilly Dog directly employs two families to knit their toys and sweaters and practices within the guidelines of Fair Trade. Assorted animals and colors, no two are the same! The average size is 3.5 inches long.
Key Details:
Chilly Dog Barn Yarn Animals are one of the best selling cat toys in the United States.
There are hundreds of hand made characters with amazing details filled with certified organic catnip.
Barn Yarn Animals are hand made in South America by our talented artisan knitters.
Each piece is filled with certified organic catnip grown in the US.
You may not specify color or character when ordering.
Barnyarn Animals Hand Knit Woolcat Toy Bulk